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Stately is hiring!

Laura Kalbag

We’re hiring for a frontend engineer, backend engineer, developer advocate and product designer at Stately. You can check out the Careers at Stately page on Notion.

About Stately

Stately is building the visual future of software development.

At Stately, we want to make app and business logic accessible to the entire team and eliminate barriers between development, design, and product to make it easier to build and maintain complex applications quickly and robustly.

We enable development teams to collaborate effectively on even the most complex logic and flows with visual tools and insightful services. Helping them speak a common language so that the specifications, designs, and code are always synchronized, up-to-date, and visually clear.

We’re building a team inspired to work on this mission to make software development better for everyone and practice what we preach, both inside Stately and everywhere else.

Questions from our office hours stream last week

During our office hours live stream last week, we answered questions about working with Stately. You can find the questions and links to the timecode with our responses below.

About the job listings

About Stately

About the Stately team

About timezones and locations

About the day-to-day at Stately