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Stately Changelog #1 - Snap To Elements

Matt Pocock

Happy Wednesday! Time for our first Editor Changelog blog, where we’ll talk about the new updates we’ve shipped in the editor.

Snap To Elements​

When you’re placing states and events in the canvas, you’ll now be able to snap them to surrounding elements.

Snapping is a hugely requested feature and should help make your charts neater and more legible.

So far, we’ve implemented snapping to the center of elements only. We’re keen to hear your feedback if you want more snapping!

Right-click menu​

You can now right-click events and states to perform actions including:

  • Renaming states/events
  • Making states the 'initial' state
  • Adding guards
  • Turning events into self-transitions

And many more.

Visual update for events​

We’ve streamlined the way our events look to make them more visually distinct from states. This new look keeps the focus on the arrow, the direction of travel, and the flow of the chart.

Statechart depicting the states of a Matt machine. The states are displayed as large rectangles with slightly rounded corners and lighter grey backgrounds. The events are displayed as smaller pill-shaped rounded rectangles with darker grey backgrounds.

Improvements to VSCode output​

We’ve massively improved the way we handle transition targets in VSCode. Instead of every transition having an ugly #(machine).state1.state2, the VSCode extension will now make the most idiomatic choice out of targetState, .targetState, or targetState.child.

const machine = createMachine({
initial: 'a',
states: {
a: {
on: {
// Before
target: '#(machine).b',
b: {},

const machine = createMachine({
initial: 'a',
states: {
a: {
on: {
// After
target: 'b',
b: {},

As part of this work, we’ve also improved how we handle internal - you’ll now get proper warnings inside the visual editor when you use internal incorrectly.

Other Improvements​

We’ve been hard at work fixing bugs in the VSCode extension and the CLI. You can keep up to date with those changes in our xstate-tools repo.