XState offers several primitives for representing long-running application processes. These are usually expressed as services. I’ve written a bit about services here - but today I wanted to talk about my favourite way of expressing services: the Invoked Callback.
XState offers several ways of orchestrating side effects. Since it’s a statechart tool, with significantly more power than a reducer, side effects are treated as a first-class concept.
State machines offer several API’s for expressing state. Like other tools, you can keep arbitrary values in a store (usually expressed as an object) called context
XState offers two options for declaring machine definitions:
import { Machine } from 'xstate';
const machine = Machine({ ...config });
import { createMachine } from 'xstate';
const machine = createMachine({ ...config });
This can be confusing for beginners. Why are there two very similar-looking methods? What’s the difference?
The finite state machine is one of the oldest models of computation in computer science. It’s older than the web, older than any programming language you can think of, and probably older than you. Just ask Mealy (1955) or Moore (1956). Finite state machines (FSMs) can be implemented in any modern language using control-flow statements, yet there’s most likely a state machine library (if not many) in all of those languages.
XState can feel overwhelming. Once you’ve gone through Kyle or David’s courses and read through the docs, you’ll get a thorough understanding of the API. You’ll see that XState is the most powerful tool available for managing complex state.
The challenge comes when integrating XState with React. Where should state machines live in my React tree? How should I manage parent and child machines?
My code contains Horcruxes. I’m not proud to admit it, since to make a Horcrux you need to commit a murder. The murders seemed intuitive at the time, and were usually for expedience. But nonetheless, I am a murderer.
Let’s talk about how I got here.
TL;DR: Bad booleans represent state. Good booleans are derived from state.
I wrote a form library once.
It was called React Redux Form, and using Redux for forms was a good idea, at the time (don't use it). In fact, my library was written as a response to Redux Form, and both libraries soon discovered that the idea of using a single global store to store all of your application state is a really, really bad idea.
When all of your forms live in one single store, state is easy to manage at first. And then, every single keypress starts to lag. It's a terrible user experience.
Redux is fantastic.
Some of you might disagree, so let me tell you why.
Over the last few years, Redux has popularized the idea of using message-passing (also known as event-driven programming) to manage application state. Instead of making arbitrary method calls to various class instances or mutating data structures, we now can think of state as being in a "predictable container" that only changes as a reaction to these "events".