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30 posts tagged with “stately”

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10 minute read

Kevin Maes

Are you a React developer using XState to model your application logic? Perhaps you’ve heard of XState but have been looking for an easy way to try it out in one of your projects. If so, then I’d like to share with you a pattern I was introduced to when first diving into codebase at Stately, that of using custom machine hooks. This lightweight, reusable way to integrate XState into React components is a delight to work with and I think you might like it as much as I do!

One minute read

Laura Kalbag

This week we’ve added our Roadmap to the XState documentation.

Many of you have requested a roadmap to help you determine if it’s the right time to integrate XState and Stately tools into your team’s workflow. We’ve added a simple Roadmap so you know what we’re currently working on and what features are coming up soon.