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Version: XState v5


XState is based on the actor model. Invoked actors are managed by the state machine. Invoked actors are created and started when the state is entered, and stopped when the state is exited.

Coming soon… invoking an actor: { invoke: { src: ... } }.

  • Actors can also be invoked on the root of the machine. They last the lifetime of the machine

Coming soon… example of invoking an actor at root.


  • invoke: { src: ... } - Invokes an actor.
    • src - The actor to invoke.
    • id - The ID of the actor.
    • input - The input to pass to the actor.
    • systemId - system-wide ID
    • onDone
    • onSnapshot
    • onError


  • Represented by src
  • Can be inline: src: fromPromise(...)
  • Can be referenced: src: 'fetchUser'
  • .provide({ actors: ... })


Invoked actors have a lifecycle that is managed by the parent machine. They are created and started when the state is entered, and stopped when the state is exited.

  • Transitions that reenter the state stop invoked actors and start new invoked actors.
    • Don't want this? Set reenter: false or omit reenter altogether.

Actor refs​

Actors can be read on state.children.<actorId>. The returned value is an ActorRef object, and it has these properties:

  • id - the ID of the actor
  • send()
  • getSnapshot()

Actor snapshots​

The actor snapshot is the latest emitted value from the actor. It can be read from actorRef.getSnapshot().

  • The snapshot is not the same as the internal state; it is what the actor chooses to share with observers.


  • Transitions when invoked actor is complete
  • Event gets .output with actor's output data


  • Transitions when invoked actor emits a new snapshot
  • Event gets data with actor's snapshot


  • Transitions when invoked actor throws an error
  • Event gets data with actor's error data


  • Actors can receive input. This is an event: { type: 'xstate.init', input: ... }

Kinds of actors​


Coming soon


Coming soon